Scientific publications

Phenomenology of Majorana zero modes in full-shell hybrid nanowires
Carlos Payá, Samuel D. Escribano, Andrea Vezzosi, Fernando Peñaranda, Ramón Aguado, Pablo San-Jose, Elsa Prada.
Suppression of thermal smearing in a feedback-driven atomic size Josephson junction
Samuel D. Escribano, Víctor Barrena, David Perconte, Jose Antonio Moreno, Marta Fernández Lomana, Miguel Águeda, Edwin Herrera, Beilun Wu, Jose Gabriel Rodrigo, Elsa Prada, Isabel Guillamón, Alfredo Levy Yeyati, Hermann Suderow.
Semiconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor planar heterostructures for 1D topological superconductivity
Samuel D. Escribano, Andrea Maiani, Martin Leijnse, Karsten Flensberg, Yuval Oreg, Alfredo Levy Yeyati, Elsa Prada and Rubén Seoane Souto.
Npj Quantum Materials 7, 81 (2022); ArXiv:2203.06644.
Fluxoid-induced pairing suppression and near-zero modes in quantum dots coupled to full-shell nanowires
Samuel D. Escribano, Alfredo Levy Yeyati, Ramón Aguado, Elsa Prada and Pablo San-Jose.
Physical review B 105, 045418 (2022); ArXiv:2107.13011.
Tunable proximity effects and topological superconductivity in ferromagnetic hybrid nanowires
Samuel D. Escribano, Alfredo Levy Yeyati, Yuval Oreg and Elsa Prada.
Physical review B 104, L041404 (2021); ArXiv:2011.06566.
Improved effective equation for the Rashba spin-orbit coupling in semiconductor nanowires
Samuel D. Escribano, Alfredo Levy Yeyati and Elsa Prada.
Physical Review Research 2, 033264 (2020); ArXiv:2001.04375.
Effects of the electrostatic environment on superlattice Majorana nanowires
Samuel D. Escribano, Alfredo Levy Yeyati, Yuval Oreg and Elsa Prada.
Physical Review B 100, 045301 (2019); ArXiv:1904.10289.
Interaction-induced zero-energy pinning and quantum dot formation in Majorana nanowires
Samuel D. Escribano, Alfredo Levy Yeyati and Elsa Prada.
Beilstein J. Nanotechnology 9, 2171-2180 (2018); ArXiv:1712.07625.

Github projects

Samuel's webpage
Personal webpage written in HTML and CSS.
Github project.
Majorana Nanowires: Quantum Simulation Package
Numerical package for Python to model and simulate Majorana nanowire devices and other related semiconductor/superconductor heterostructures.
Github project, Zenodo link.


Towards a realistic description of topological hybrid semiconductor, superconductor and ferromagnetic-insulator systems
PhD's thesis (link).
Supervisors: Elsa Prada and Alfredo Levy Yeyati.
Effect of the Electrostatic Environment in Majorana Nanowires
Master's thesis (link).
Supervisors: Elsa Prada and Alfredo Levy Yeyati.
Modelización Teórica del Transporte de Excitones
Bachelor's thesis (link).
Supervisors: Esteban Moreno and Johannes Feist.